El “qué” y el “cómo” en la nueva legislación farmacéutica europea

Jordi Faus

El Global

La semana pasada tuve la oportunidad de participar en un interesante coloquio sobre la Estrategia Farmacéutica Europea. Es importante que los profesionales del derecho tengamos un papel activo en esta iniciativa que la Comisión Europea lanzó en noviembre de 2020. La Estrategia, como sabemos, incluye una lista de acciones orientadas a favorecer el acceso a...
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Faus Moliner participates in the Conference on the impact of the European Pharmaceutical Strategy in Spain organized by Diariofarma

Jordi Faus focuses his intervention on the incentives for innovation in the upcoming reform of European pharmaceutical law

The “Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe” is a programmatic initiative launched by the Commission in November 2020, which includes a list of actions aimed at promoting access to medicinal products, dealing with therapeutic gaps, establishing response mechanisms to crisis situations and strengthening the competitiveness of the EU in the sector. Within this initiative, the main action...
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Access to medicinal products and patients’ fundamental rights

Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (Grand Chamber) of 22 November 2022

Laia Rull, Jordi Faus

Capsulas Nº 233

Background A Russian citizen suffering from a rare form of leukaemia was receiving medical care in the Netherlands. The treatment consisted in the administration of medical cannabis for pain relief. The use of medical cannabis is not allowed in Russia. After applying for asylum in the Netherlands and being rejected several times, he was ordered...
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Repackaging and relabelling of parallel imports of medicinal products

Judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union of 17 November 2022

Lluís Alcover

Capsulas Nº 233

On 17 November 2022, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) issued four important judgments on parallel imports of medicinal products in cases Novartis Impexeco, C-253/20 and C-254/20; Novartis Pharma, C-147/20; Bayer Intellectual Property, C-204/20; and Merck Sharp & Dohme and Others; C-224/20. The Novartis Impexeco judgments, C-253/20 and C-254/20, relate to the...
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The scope of confidentiality in public procurement: beyond trade secrets

Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union of 17 November 2022 (Case C-54/21)

Joan Carles Bailach, Santiago Tomas

Capsulas Nº 233

Background This judgment was delivered in the context of a dispute concerning the award of a public contract in Poland. One of the tenderers appealed against the award decision and requested access to certain information relating to the successful tender and a re-evaluation of all the tenders submitted. The contracting authority refused to grant access...
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Carta a los Reyes Magos

Jordi Faus

El Global

Se acerca el final de año y con ello unos días de descanso, propicios para hacer listas de buenos propósitos. Ya saben, lo de cada año: más tiempo libre para la familia y amigos; empezar la dieta antes de que llegue el buen tiempo, ir al gimnasio, apuntarse a algún curso, etc… En el ámbito...
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El impacto de los canales digitales y redes sociales en la promoción de medicamentos. Panorama normativo y nuevas herramientas de Control

Anna Gerboles


Social media and digital channels have established themselves as a regular means of information dissemination for the industry. This scenario creates new challenges for companies’ compliance with the regime for promotion of medicinal products, such as the difficulty of controlling the final recipient of the information or the possibility for individual internet users to generate...
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Encaje de la Compra Pública de Valor

Xavier Moliner, Santiago Tomas


The purpose of this article is to provide a practical overview of the legal tools offered by the regulations on public procurement to develop value-based public procurement projects. It provides several initial guidelines to be followed so that companies that want to build their value-based propositions and contracting bodies that wish to engage in this...
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Women´s Life Science Network

Maria José López

El Global

El pasado 1 de diciembre las abogadas de Faus Moliner tuvimos el privilegio de asistir en Zurich a unas sesiones sobre “Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence: Drivers in Transforming the Life Sciences Industry”, organizadas por la Women’s Life Sciences Network. Esta red tiene entre sus objetivos fomentar el intercambio de conocimientos y experiencias entre las...
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Datos de Salud: compartir sí, con garantías

Eduard Rodellar

El Global

El pasado martes tuve ocasión de participar en un interesante webinar sobre el impacto de la protección de datos personales en el ámbito de las ciencias de la salud, a raíz de la propuesta de reglamento sobre el Espacio Europeo de Datos Sanitarios (EEDS). Lo organizaba el “Life Sciences Practice Group”, grupo de abogados europeos especializados en el sector life...
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